
We listen to those involved and create tailor-made projects

Based on scientific evidence and the principles of health psychology, we define projects adapted to each situation, responding to real life needs.


Our tailor-made solutions

Strategic Consulting
By listening and analyzing specific needs, we provide industry guidance in the generation of programs design by and for patients.
Patient support
We create patient support programs based on telephone assistance by specialized nursing teams, following protocols of action specifically designed for each necessity.
Training Healthcare Professionals
We train professionals to achieve behavioral changes in patients by encouraging them to play an active role in their care and treatment adherence.
Patient training
We train the patient to understand their pathology and treatment, and we promote the learning of techniques for emotional control and self-care


Characteristics of our solutions

Support for any pathology and patient population

Support for any pathology and patient population

Using the principles of the health psychology

Using the principles of the health psychology

Multichannel: multiple communication channels with
            the patient

Multichannel: multiple communication channels with patients

Specific team created to cover the needs of the service

Specific team created to cover the needs of the required service

Reports online, in real time and available from anywhere

Online reports (or reporting), in real time and available from any location

Specialized teams

Scientific Department
They carry out the necessary research in each case: advisory boards, focus groups, evidence review…
Based on the insights obtained, they design the appropriate strategy to achieve the objectives.
They develop all the necessary materials to implement solutions: patient materials, presentations for physicians, scripts for nurse-patient interactions.
Nursing team
Educated in:
The drug, the device, and the pathology
Active listening skills
Behaviour modification techniques
The objectives of the program
Closed dialogues with set objectives
Design and programming
They develop websites and materials tailored to the needs of each project, aiming for the best user experience.
They design user-friendly CRM systems for nurses, ensuring higher data quality.
They provide 24/7 real-time reports.

It is not essential that you contact us, but if you do we will become essential

Plaza de la Encina 10-11
Tres Cantos - 28760 Madrid. Spain
